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New to the Toukiden series, the element of Control is also empowered by Mitama, which specialises in summoning Oni to fight for the player. Mitama grow and develop during battles. In order to increase the levels of your Boosts, you must meet the upgrade conditions of each Boost and have sufficient proficiency with them. The upgrade conditions differ for each Mitama and Boost. Each Mitama can learn up to nine Boosts, but you can only equip three of them at a time. The game's setting takes place two years after Kiwami. In Toukiden 2, players will assume the mantle of a mysterious Slayer who has awakened after a ten-year slumber to a world shrouded in darkness. As revealed inToukiden: The Age of Demons, humanity was protected for centuries by a secret clan of warriors, the Slayers, trained to dispose of the supernatural threat before it could consume the world. An event known as the Awakening caused rifts to appear in space and time resurfacing places that had long disappeared from the world and unleashing swarms of Oni that relentlessly hunted humans. Koei Tecmo published an anime short as a prequel to the game, the animation was handled by studio 4 and it was directed by Takahiro Tanaka.
Defeating Oni will free souls of fallen heroes known as Mitama, who are based on Japanese historical figures and can be utilised to power-up your character, weapons, armour and the Demon Hand.

Gameplay :
 Toukiden 2
Action, RPG
Omega Force
Playstation Vita
Game ID : PCSG00830

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